Our Professional team of Licensed Security Installers not only supply, install and support the Latest HD CCTV and Alarm systems but are also Authorised installers for HME Drive Thru, Headsets and Timing Systems. We love to get our hands dirty and our team is currently doing timing loops sawcuts and working on remodels at McDonalds East Vic Park and McDonalds Tuart Hill. Along with New McDonalds builds in Byford, Mundaring and Forrestdale, we look forward to installing the latest drive thru technology getting your orders made faster and delivered to you hotter than ever before.
Tecsec Team installing the Saw-cut loops into the Temporary Drive Through
New Dual Lane Drive Thru Works are underway at McDonalds Tuart Hill
The Latest HME Timing System getting orders to you faster
McDonalds Tuart Hill - One of Perth Flagship Restaurant is ready for a Rebuild - Watch this space for its transformation
Tecsec team Ready for Saw-cutting Action
Getting Down and Dirty - Perfect Lines means more accurate order taking